Video Analytics
Video Analytics (VA) is the capability of automatically analyzing video to detect and determine temporal and spatial events. With video analytics, we can monitor and maintain video surveillance systems that generate terabytes of data with minimal manpower. VA uses
comprehensive and complex algorithms to analyze video streams by reviewing camera images pixel by pixel with almost no loss in data. Video management systems assist security and surveillance personnel by monitoring video streams 24/7 and alerting them to activities which require attention. The use of AI in video analytics allows systems to communicate with each other and make decisions to detect suspicious activities and predict them even before they take place. As a vital subdivision of AI, deep learning detects anomalies, improves accuracy and video scene understanding for intelligent surveillance.
We, at Enview, use VA to intelligently tailor to any security or business requirement, simple or complex and specialize in integrating video analytics technology with video surveillance systems. We have successfully implemented and executed scores of video analytics projects across India.”